Tom Holland, renowned for his portrayal of Spider-Man, has found himself at the center of an unexpected controversy, not for his on-screen heroics but due to a hacking incident involving his social media account. Holland’s online presence took an unusual turn when cryptic messages about a Spider-Verse-themed cryptocurrency appeared on his X/Twitter profile, sparking confusion and concern among fans.
A Web of Deception
On April 16, fans noticed a peculiar tweet from Holland’s account announcing a partnership with cryptocurrency platform Binance to launch a Spider-Verse-themed cryptocurrency and NFTs. The tweet directed fans to register for early access to a new digital coin dubbed $SPIDER and related NFTs through a link to ‘’. However, suspicions were raised when neither Holland’s Instagram profile nor the official Binance social media channels echoed this announcement, suggesting that the actor’s social media might have been compromised.
Details of the Hack
The hack was not limited to just one misleading post; Holland’s X/Twitter bio was also altered to promote the dubious link. The situation escalated when an image of a masked man, believed to be the hacker, appeared on Holland’s profile. The photo, an apparent homage to the iconic upside-down kiss from the 2002 Spider-Man film, was captioned provocatively, hinting at the hacker’s identity.
Fans and Faux Pas
The hack coincided with the re-release of Sam Raimi’s 2002 Spider-Man movie, adding another layer of irony to the timing of the incident. This unusual activity on Holland’s account led to a flurry of reactions from the online community. Fans quickly took to social media to discuss the situation, with many using the opportunity to create memes about the bizarre tweets. The relief was palpable when it was confirmed that Holland had been hacked, quelling fears that he had ventured into a risky crypto venture.
A Missed Opportunity for Support
Amidst the chaos of the hack, some fans expressed disappointment over Holland’s absence from social media in other significant matters, particularly the support of his “Romeo & Juliet” co-star, Francesca Amewudah-Rivers, who faced online harassment. This highlighted another aspect of the actor’s reduced online activity and its implications.