In a groundbreaking move, Telegram, the privacy-centric messaging platform, announced it will start sharing advertisement revenue with its channel owners from March, as revealed by Pavel Durov, the company’s founder. This announcement has sent the network’s native TON token soaring nearly 40%, indicating significant market enthusiasm for the new revenue-sharing model.
Telegram’s Innovative Revenue-Sharing Model
Starting in March, Telegram will share 50% of its ad revenue with channel owners, a decision that is expected to transform the way content creators are compensated on the platform. This initiative is part of Telegram’s broader strategy to monetize the platform while maintaining its user-focused approach to privacy. Payments to channel owners will be facilitated through the TON blockchain, ensuring a secure and transparent process.
Impact on the Market and User Engagement
The announcement had an immediate impact on the market, with the TON token’s value jumping to over $2.92. This surge reflects the positive reception from investors and users alike, showcasing the potential of Telegram’s new revenue-sharing model to enhance user engagement and attract more advertisers to the platform.
Telegram’s Growing Ecosystem
Telegram, known for its commitment to privacy and secure communication, has consistently expanded its ecosystem to include more user-friendly features. The platform currently boasts 800 million monthly users as of July 2023, with its broadcast channels generating 1 trillion views monthly. However, only 10% of these views are currently monetized, a figure that is expected to rise significantly with the official opening of the Telegram Ad Platform to advertisers in nearly a hundred new countries.