Telegram, the popular messaging platform boasting over 900 million monthly active users, is set to expand its user base with a strategic new initiative. The platform will soon launch a Mini-App store and an in-app browser equipped with Web3 support, showcasing its ambition to evolve into a more versatile ecosystem.
New Features and Enhanced Security
Founder Pavel Durov is committed to transforming Telegram by integrating a broader array of services directly within the app. Beyond the new features, Telegram will enhance its security measures to combat scams. Public-facing user accounts will now display the month and country of registration, offering users valuable information to assess account legitimacy. Additionally, Mini-Apps will be able to label channels, adding a layer of decentralized, third-party verification.
Success of Mini-App Games
This announcement comes on the heels of several successful Telegram Mini-App games, notably Hamster Kombat and Notcoin. Hamster Kombat attracted 239 million users in just 81 days, highlighting the potential of blockchain games to entertain and provide supplementary income for players. Although Hamster Kombat’s in-game currency is not yet tradable, developers plan to introduce tradable tokens later in 2024.
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The rapid success of these games has unfortunately drawn the attention of scammers. These malicious actors employ phishing attacks, promising free airdrops of fake Hamster tokens. Telegram advises users to exercise caution and avoid engaging with such schemes to protect their assets.
Future Developments
Capitalizing on the success of Mini-App games, Notcoin and Helika Gaming have announced a dedicated gaming accelerator program. With $50 million in seed capital from Helika, this program aims to foster the development of new games tailored for the Telegram platform. Applications for the program are currently open.
Telegram’s integration of Mini-Apps and Web3 support signifies a major step towards creating a more feature-rich platform. The success of games like Hamster Kombat underscores Telegram’s potential as a hub for innovative gaming experiences. However, users must remain vigilant against scams exploiting the excitement around these new features.