IMF Managing Director Meets with Indian Finance Minister


Nirmala Sitharaman, India’s Minister of Finance, held a virtual conversation with International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva to discuss the upcoming G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting in Bengaluru later this month. The two leaders discussed various topics including the regulation of crypto assets, food and energy security, and debt issues.

Regulation of Crypto Assets

The Minister urged the IMF to develop a globally coordinated approach to the regulation of crypto assets. She emphasized the importance of ensuring the security of digital assets and the need for a unified approach to regulation across the world.

Read More: India’s Government Steps Up Efforts to Clarify Regulation of Crypto Assets

Food and Energy Security

Sitharaman stressed the importance of ensuring food and energy security for all and requested the IMF’s support in the form of technical analysis to provide evidence-based policy guidance on the issue. She expressed her commitment to working towards a peaceful, sustainable, and prosperous world for all.

The Minister informed Georgieva that debt issues would be at the forefront of the G20 FinanceTrack discussions and that India would continue to support the ongoing efforts for orderly and timely implementation of the Common Framework.

IMF Recognizes India’s Contributions

Georgieva congratulated India on its strong economic performance and its role in digitalizing the economy, especially in the area of digital payments. She appreciated India’s contribution of USD 50 million for SARTTAC, a partnership between the IMF and India, which will strengthen their role in building capacity in the South Asia Region.

Adam L
Adam L
In the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, I have a great deal of passion and interest. My interest in blockchain and cryptocurrencies has led me to explore these technologies in greater depth, as I am interested in the potential implications they could have on the global economy.

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