Amidst the devastating toll of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, particularly on children, Binance Charity has teamed up with the Children of Heroes Foundation...
The concept of restaking within the Ethereum network is emerging as a transformative force, anticipated to underpin a plethora of novel decentralized applications. However,...
March witnessed a remarkable surge in venture capital investments into the cryptocurrency sector, with a more than 52% increase compared to the previous month....
In a surprising twist for the Solana blockchain community, a whopping $24 million in tokenized staked Solana (stSOL) remains trapped on the Lido liquid-staking...
Goldman Sachs, a leading figure on Wall Street, continues to express its skepticism towards cryptocurrencies, asserting that they possess no intrinsic value. This stance...
In a significant move that has caught the attention of the cryptocurrency community, the U.S. government has transferred approximately 30,175 bitcoins, valued at around...
Paradigm, a leading venture capital firm with deep ties to the cryptocurrency industry, is reportedly on the brink of raising between $750 million and...
Argentina has recently initiated a mandatory registration process for cryptocurrency platforms, marking a significant shift in the country’s approach to digital currencies. This development,...
Telegram's recent strategic shift from using the Euro to Toncoin (TON) for its advertising payments marks a revolutionary turn in the social media and...
Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has once again addressed the potential and limitations of Layer 3 (L3) networks, underscoring that they do not inherently boost...
In a bold move underscoring its commitment to global expansion, has announced the upcoming launch of its cryptocurrency trading app in South Korea...
In a strategic move aimed at broadening its global footprint, Deribit, the leading cryptocurrency options exchange, has secured a conditional Virtual Asset Service Provider...