Heather Morgan, also known as the rapper “Razzlekhan,” is requesting no additional jail time as she awaits sentencing for her involvement in laundering Bitcoin...
Transak, a Miami-based Web3 payments platform, has made significant strides in regulatory compliance, achieving new approvals in both Canada and the United States. These...
Binance has announced a strategic partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to improve its Know Your Customer (KYC) verification process using Amazon’s generative AI...
Changpeng “CZ” Zhao, Binance co-founder and former CEO, is hopeful about the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency regulation worldwide, particularly with upcoming U.S. elections potentially...
Robinhood Markets Inc. saw a significant rise in cryptocurrency trading and assets under custody in the third quarter of 2023. However, its stock price...
Visa and Coinbase have launched a new partnership enabling U.S. and EU customers with eligible Visa debit cards to instantly buy, deposit, and withdraw...
In a notable shift for crypto-sports partnerships, Coinbase has announced a new sponsorship deal with the NBA’s Golden State Warriors. This move marks Coinbase’s...
On October 23, Nigerian authorities officially dropped all charges against Tigran Gambaryan, a Binance executive who had been held in a Nigerian prison for...