In a surprising move within the crypto industry, Patrick Donegan, the Global Chief Compliance Officer at OKX, has stepped down from his position after...
In a turn of events that marks a dramatic end to one of the cryptocurrency world's most significant controversies, Sam Bankman-Fried, the once-celebrated founder...
In a groundbreaking move, U.S. law enforcement has charged the global cryptocurrency exchange KuCoin and its two founders, Chun Gan and Ke Tang, with...
In a significant move against assets tied to the infamous QuadrigaCX cryptocurrency exchange saga, Canadian authorities in British Columbia have initiated proceedings to seize...
In a strategic move to bolster customer loyalty during a tumultuous period, cryptocurrency exchange KuCoin has announced a significant airdrop event. CEO Johnny Lyu...
In a significant legal development, a U.S. judge has ruled in favor of Coinbase Wallet, affirming that its self-custody crypto wallet does not classify...
KuCoin, a prominent crypto exchange, has encountered a significant withdrawal surge, with approximately $1 billion in crypto exiting the platform within the last 24...
OKX, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, has recently settled a series of regulatory concerns with the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) with a 304,000 euro...
In the ongoing bankruptcy case of the embattled cryptocurrency exchange FTX, a new development has emerged regarding the valuation of certain digital tokens closely...
The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has unveiled charges against cryptocurrency exchange KuCoin and its founders, Chun Gan and Ke Tang, for operating...
Binance has taken a significant step forward in enhancing its customer support by integrating a "smart retrieval" system for cryptocurrencies. This innovative update dramatically...