In a groundbreaking move, Telegram, the privacy-centric messaging platform, announced it will start sharing advertisement revenue with its channel owners from March, as revealed...
Sam "SBF" Bankman-Fried, the founder of the now-defunct cryptocurrency exchange FTX, has reportedly been advising prison guards on investments, specifically recommending Solana, during his...
Tether Tokens Linked to Fraud
A joint investigation by Chainalysis and International Justice Mission (IJM) has revealed a major crypto scam operating in Myanmar, allegedly...
A recent incident involving the decentralized blockchain platform Aleo has sparked privacy concerns among its users. Reports emerged on X (formerly Twitter) on February...
In a remarkable achievement, pseudonymous on-chain investigator ZachXBT has managed to recover the majority of funds lost in the theft of a rare DeGods...
Dogecoin, the cryptocurrency that started as a joke but quickly won over hearts worldwide with its meme-inspired persona, recently encountered a perplexing event that...
Jeff "Jihoz" Zirlin, a co-founder of Axie Infinity and the Ronin Network, recently fell victim to a major cryptocurrency theft. Hackers compromised two of...
French soccer powerhouse Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) has made history by becoming the first soccer team to validate a blockchain, specifically the Chiliz Chain blockchain...
In a significant development for Ripple and its native cryptocurrency, XRP, the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) has granted approval for the digital asset's...
SEC's Appeal Denied
In a significant development, a federal judge has turned down the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) attempt to appeal a previous ruling...
Google Cloud has taken a significant step into the world of blockchain by becoming a validator node operator on Polygon’s proof-of-stake network, indicating big...