The Floki project, initially known for its meme coin status, is embarking on an ambitious journey to redefine its value proposition by venturing into...
Matty Taylor, the co-founder of Colosseum and former head of growth at the Solana Foundation, recently shared insights with Cointelegraph, indicating that Solana is...
The cryptocurrency market experienced a wild 24-hour ride, showcasing its inherent volatility with significant drops followed by a robust recovery. This article delves into...
In a significant legislative move, Russia is set to introduce comprehensive money laundering controls on transactions involving the digital ruble. Spearheaded by Anatoly Aksakov,...
In recent weeks, the Solana network has been at the forefront of a significant cryptocurrency market rally, largely propelled by the explosive growth of...
Stellar Development Foundation, the nonprofit at the forefront of the Stellar network's evolution, has successfully completed the phased rollout of Soroban, its much-anticipated smart...
In a bold move to break into the mainstream consumer culture, Polygon Labs invested $4 million into a partnership with Starbucks to launch Starbucks...
OKX, a prominent crypto exchange, has discontinued offering trading pairs with Tether's USDT stablecoin for its users within the European Union (EU) and the...
The MOON token, a community-driven cryptocurrency from Reddit's r/CryptoCurrency subreddit, has reached an all-time high of 84 cents over the weekend. This surge in...
Aevo, a decentralized crypto perpetual and options exchange, has come under scrutiny for potential wash trading after experiencing a sudden and dramatic fluctuation in...
In a striking development within the cryptocurrency arena, Solana has overtaken Binance Coin to claim the fourth spot in the global rankings by market...