Binance Enforces Stricter Measures Against Account Misuse


Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, has introduced new security measures to prevent the misuse of account features and enhance the platform’s integrity. This decision comes after discovering account misuse, which provided certain users with unfair advantages. The new measures aim to create a healthy and sustainable market environment that prioritizes the interests of all users.

Stricter Actions Needed

Binance has cautioned that stricter actions will be taken against account misuse, including suspension or termination of accounts if necessary. The exchange emphasized that such misuse harms the platform’s reputation and negatively impacts the experience of users who follow the rules. The platform offers various account types, including sub-accounts, managed sub-accounts, and fund manager accounts, which are essential for genuine use cases.

However, bad actors can misuse these features to circumvent controls and access better fee rates and higher application programming interface (API) limits. Binance considers any unauthorized access to other users’ accounts a severe breach of its Terms of Use, Know Your Customer (KYC), and Know Your Business (KYB) policies.

To address account misuse, Binance has enhanced monitoring of all account usage and related activities. The platform encourages users to report any suspected incidents of misuse and offers a reward for verified cases. The reward amount will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Users can report misuse incidents to [email protected].

Also Read: Binance Steps Up: Freezes $5.3M in Response to BtcTurk Hack

Efforts Toward Security

Binance’s efforts to enhance its security measures are among several attempts it has made to help fight security breaches. On June 22, ZackXBT, a blockchain investigator, praised Binance for helping the broader community during security incidents. He noted that while Binance often faces criticism from the media, its security team actively works to support victims and provide incident response, showcasing a dedication to community support that goes beyond mere words.

According to Binance CEO Richard Teng, the exchange collaborated with authorities to investigate a malicious attack on the Turkish crypto exchange BtcTurk, resulting in the successful freezing of over $5 million in stolen funds. Despite these efforts, Binance currently faces money laundering charges in Nigeria after authorities accused the company of illegally moving $26 billion out of the country.

Ayushi Somani
Ayushi Somani
Ayushi Somani is an academically gifted individual who has a passion for blockchain technology. She is well-versed in the technology, having been an early adopter of cryptocurrency and investing in Bitcoin and several other digital currencies.

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